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Fair Rules

General Fair Rules

1. The Fair Board has made every effort to make the rules and regulations clear but reserves the final and absolute right to interpret them as may become necessary and to settle controversies arising out of, connected to, or incidental to the Fair.

2. Exhibits shall at all times be under the direct control of the management, but management will in no case, be responsible in any way for any loss, damage, or injury of any character to any such property while the same is on the grounds, or at any other time or place. If property owners or others interested in property desire protection against loss, damage against loss, damage, or injury from fire or other causes, they must make other arrangements. The Fair Board is not responsible for unclaimed exhibits.

3. Smoking is prohibited on Klickitat County Fairgrounds & Buildings. “Smoke” or “smoking” means the carrying or smoking of any kind of lighted pipe, cigar, cigarette, or any other lighted smoking equipment. WA RCW 70.160.030

4. Rental space for concessions and other commercial booths and exhibits must be arranged for through the Commercial Foods and Booth Rental Chairman.

5. No ropes, bikes, skateboards, rollerblades, hoverboards, scooters or other similar transportation devices allowed on the grounds in barns, buildings, or main thoroughfares.

6. No animals except exhibits or service animals allowed on the grounds.

7. The use of the fairgrounds for exercising the right of free expression shall be allowed during the Klickitat County Fair; provided that such expression shall not compromise public safety, interfere with the orderly movement of Fair patrons, or infringe upon rights of other users of the fairgrounds.

To accommodate these rights, the following requirements must be met:

No person on the Klickitat County Fairgrounds shall distribute literature, display signs for the primary purpose of communicating to other users of the fairgrounds, or solicit petition signatures without written approval and an identification badge issued upon presentation of a written application stating:

a. The name, address, telephone number of applicant and sponsoring organization, if any;

b. A description of the proposed activity;

c. The date, hour, and duration of the proposed activity.

d. Application must be made 24 hours in advance of the proposed activity.

8. No person on the Klickitat County Fairgrounds shall solicit funds or offer merchandise or services for sale except as authorized by the Klickitat County Fair Board.

9. No person on the Klickitat County Fairgrounds, unless participating in a scheduled event or activity or unless separately licensed and authorized shall:

a. Employ a sound or voice amplifying device for any purpose;

b. Use a table, chair, or other structure to conduct activities as described in this section;

c. Store literature, signs, petitions, or related materials on the fairgrounds;

d. Engage in dance, chant, or other performance intended to attract public notice.

10. Activities described in this section shall be confined to areas of the fairgrounds that are open to the general public. The following areas are excluded:

a. Parking areas

b. Areas within 15 feet of animal enclosures, exercise areas, show rings and arena;

c. Ticket counters, booths, or other concession facilities;

d. Restrooms, restaurants, or other areas where these activities may interfere with the free and orderly movement of fair patrons or jeopardize public.

11. All overnight campers must camp in designated places. All persons staying overnight on the Fairgrounds must register with the Camping and Parking Committee Director and must have an adult chaperone. There is a curfew of 10pm for all minors on the Fairgrounds. See camping rules and camping regulations safety: https://www.klickitatcountyfair.com/camping-registration

General Exhibitor Rules

1. Exhibitors MUST be a Klickitat County resident, OR enrolled in an in-person Klickitat County School District, OR have direct family ties (tie must be a parent or grandparent) to a Klickitat County resident. All livestock exhibitors must be enrolled in a Klickitat County 4-H Club or FFA Chapter. Residency rule does not apply to Wednesday Haul-In Open Horse Show.

2. All stalls open, FFA and 4-H, must be decorated. Entries and/or stall decorations, ribbons, stall cards, show boxes, and equipment shall not be removed before 4:30 pm on Sunday of the show or premiums will be withheld.

3. Any exhibitor guilty of misconduct (such as destruction of property, profane language, boisterous conduct) may have his exhibit withdrawn from the show and both sent home. Members of judging teams and visiting 4-H and FFA members’ open misconduct may disqualify their team from any winnings that they may receive. Also, members are sent home.

4. Exhibitors should also note special rules at the head of each department.


1. All Open and Youth Division exhibits are placed according to the Danish or group award system, with Blue, Red, and White groups in each lot number.

2. The Klickitat County Fair Board expects to be able to pay all premiums in full at a rate of at least 7 cents/point. Cash premiums are paid: Champion $10, Reserve Champion $8, ribbons only on Class Champions in the Livestock Departments. In Still Life, cash premiums are paid: Top of Show $5, Judges Choice $3. Ribbons only on judging contests. Since the Fair must be self sustaining, the Board reserves the right to make whatever reductions or increases of amount/point paid.

3. Premium monies to be mailed as soon after the Fair closing as possible. CHECKS MUST BE CASHED WITHIN SIXTY DAYS OF THE CHECK DATE; otherwise they are forfeited to the Fair.

4. Any person knowingly violating any Fair rules will thereby forfeit any premium monies and be barred from the Fair.

5. In order for any exhibit to qualify for any champion ribbon, it must first receive a blue ribbon.

Livestock Exhibitor Rules

1. The following groups are identified for special programs, activities, and participation within the Klickitat County Fair. Age Divisions are determined by the age of the Exhibitor prior to October 1 of the previous fair year:

  • Open Class Livestock Peewees Age 7 and Under
  • Horse Department Peewees Ages 6-8
  • Cloverbuds Age 5-7
  • First Year Junior Showman (has never shown species before) Age 8-10
  • Juniors Age 8-10
  • Intermediate Age 11-13
  • Senior Age 14-18
  • Adult Age 19 and older

2. Exhibitor will at all times be responsible for their animals and furnish necessary feed and water troughs. Bedding made available by the Fair Board. Stalls, pens, and alleys shall be cleaned by 7am.

3. Every exhibitor is solely responsible for any consequential or other loss, injury, or damage done to or occasions by or arising from any animal exhibited by them and shall indemnify the management against all legal or other proceedings in regard thereto. The management will take every precaution in its power for the safe preservation of stock on exhibit. To ensure the safety of Fair patrons and other exhibitors the livestock superintendents and/or members of the Fair Executive Board shall have the right to refuse entry of any animal exhibiting unsuitable for public display.

4. Animals must be shown as the judge may require or allow. Exhibitors refusing for any cause to not meet with the approval of the management to lead out their animals for competition in the show ring or for students’ judging contests, when called, will forfeit all premiums won. All animals used for a contest must be approved by the superintendent.

5. Judges are required to discriminate against animals upon which surgical operation has been performed to improve “show” appearance. This rule must be strictly adhered to.

6. Animals entered in the wrong department, classes, or lots may be reclassified by the superintendent.

7. Temporary transfers or sales to make competition are forbidden.

8. Animals may be entered in and shown in only one department (i.e.: 4-H, FFA, or Open.)

9. Only animals entered in the Fair are allowed in pens. Proof of ownership may be required.


a. Fair veterinarians MUST and WILL reject any animal with infectious or contagious disease or ectoparasites. Exhibitors should be aware that RINGWORM, WARTS, PINKEYE, STRANGLES, CONTAGIOUS CTHYMA, SCABIES, LICE, MITES, TICKS, and FLEAS fall into these categories.

b. No animal from a quarantined area or premise is permitted to enter any other Fair area.

c. All sheep and goats must have an official tag or tattoo registered with the USDA National Scrapie Eradication program

11. Owners of all livestock must do their own fitting. Professional fitting and/or fitters are prohibited. Infraction of this rule will result in expulsion of the exhibitor and their animal(s) from the fair.

12. Stall, entry and/or participation fees are as follows:

  • Beef/Diary: $20/HEAD
  • Sheep/Goats: $15/HEAD
  • Swine: $20/HEAD
  • Rabbits/Poultry: $8/animal
  • Horses: $20/HEAD
  • Miniature Horses/Ponies: $15/HEAD
  • Western Games: $10/rider


13. All livestock exhibits, including rabbit, poultry, and cavy, must remain on the premises from check-in until 4:30 pm on Sunday. Exceptions include horses being hauled in and lactating dairy cattle, which are only required to remain on fairgrounds on the day of the classes or removal by a Veterinarian and/or Fair Board.

14. All exhibitors are required to show their market animal in the Showmanship Class to be eligible for the Market Stock Sale.

15. Approved livestock showing attire at the Klickitat County Fair shall be long pants, shirt with a collar, and closed toed shoes or boots.

Animal Welfare Policy

In recognition of the importance of animals to the Klickitat County Fair & Rodeo, it shall be the policy of all members and participants in Fair events to treat all animals exhibited or involved with these events in a humane manner. Animals shall be provided clean bedding, adequate food and water, and protection from harm.It is the policy of the Fair Board members and event organizers to protect animals from mistreatment by the public and to assure the safety of Fair patrons. All persons in charge of Fair activities shall be made aware of this policy.

Showmanship Rules

  • All Exhibitors (Open, FFA, and 4-H) must enter Showmanship class for each species of animal being entered in a type or performance class.
  • All Showmanship Divisions are based on the age of the Exhibitor as of October 1 of the previous fair year.
  • All Exhibitors are required to show their own market animal in Showmanship Class to be eligible for Market Stock Sale.
  • All animals used for Showmanship must be owned or leased by Exhibitor and entered in a type (Performance, Games, Obedience, Open, Market, Or Breeding Stock) competition
  • As the emphasis is on the Exhibitor, not the animal, premium points are the same regardless of type, size, or value of animal involved. Premium points: Blue 50, Red 35, and White 25.
  • Grand Champion and Reserve Champion are chosen for each lot: Peewees, Cloverbuds (if applicable), First Year Junior Showman, Junior, Intermediate, and Senior. Premiums paid: Grand Champion $10 and Reserve Champion $8.

Herdsmanship Rules


  • Herdsmanship will be judged by species/departments, not individual clubs/chapters.
  • Focus is on the importance of the entire barn appearance (stalls, alley, wash rack, fitting area, show ring, common area, etc.). The entire area needs to be well kept and presentable to the public at all times.
  • Herdsmanship is also intended to be a friendly competition between the exhibitors in each species department.


  • One daily winner will be chosen each day (announced each evening) and a “daily winner” banner will be hung in that barn / department.
  • At the end of fair, daily points will be tallied and one overall winning department / barn will be determined.
  • Winning dept / barn will be honored with a “winners banner” to be hung up in their barn the following fair. Other award(s) TBD.


  • Superintendents will establish a schedule for their dept/barn.
  • All exhibitors of each species will be assigned a time slot for each day to be on Herdsmanship duty. Each time slot will consist of 4-5 exhibitors and one supervising adult (exact numbers per shift will be determined by superintendent and may vary accordingly). Superintendents will work with exhibitors to accommodate schedules with other fair involvements and sports practice times. The superintendent of each dept/barn has discretion to make adjustments as they see fit.
  • Herdsmanship Packets with a sign up schedule will be available for each Superintendent on Wednesday prior to weigh in or you can pick up a packet in the Fair Office.


  1. There will be three judges. Each judge will evaluate each department / barn 1x each day. Judging times will vary by the day, by the judge and by the department / barn.
  2. The following is a general idea of what will be judged: Exhibitors / Herdsmen, Cleanliness / Care, Education, Areas (tack, fitting, wash rack, etc.).
  3. There will be 100 points possible for each judge to give / each day.

All-Around Showmanship Contest Rules

Large Animal Contest: Friday 1pm

Small Animal Contest: Saturday 8am

  • Three age divisions: Junior, Intermediate and Senior as shown in respective animal species, and must be a member of 4-H or FFA.
  • The animal species eligible for the All- Around are Horse, Beef, Dairy, Sheep, Swine, Dairy Goats, and Meat Goats.
  • A minimum of eight participants/animal species is required to be eligible for the All-Around contest.
  • Each age group will show together as showmanship class. Classes are placed from first to last.
  • Each participant will receive individual scores in relationship to their placing and ability.
  • Individual scores range from 7 to 0, with a “+” or “-“ given, if the judge desires. A+ is worth a positive 1/3 point and “-“ worth a negative 1/3 point. For example, 5+ score=5 1/3 points, while 6+ score=6 1/3 points.
  • The species superintendent is responsible for providing the number of animals needed.
  • Appropriate equipment for showing the animals is provided, too. All-Around Showmanship Supt is responsible for advising species superintendent how many extra animals are needed.
  • If possible, the contest will use the second place animals in each age division. The extra animals should be safe for all participates to handle. Any animal considered unsafe by the superintendent and judge is to be replaced by safe and equally showable animal. Species superintendent and judge shall let that species winner show his/her own animal.
  • An individual can win All-Around Showmanship Contest from an animal species once/age group. An individual can win All-Around Showmanship Contest in the same age group using different species.
  • The All-Around Showmanship superintendents are responsible for setting up, organizing, and running the All-Around Showmanship Contest.


The Award will be given to the highest placing Junior, Intermediate, and Senior in the All-Around Showmanship contests. The Senior award is sponsored by Carl & Karen Conroy. Intermediate and Junior awards are sponsored by Craig & Donna Schuster.

Grievance Guidelines

1. A grievance of Superintendent’s decisions may be submitted to the Fair Board.

2. The person filing a grievance must complete the grievance form.

3. Grievance shall be filed and a $100 fee paid within 24 hours of the incident.

4. The Grievance Committee will meet with the Fair Board to explain the grievance filed.

5. The Grievance Committee will then investigate the grievance and render a written decision to the Fair Board within 24 hours of the time the grievance was filed if the grievance is a Fair issue that needs to be settled prior to close of Fair. The Grievance Committee will determine if the grievance is a timely issue and if necessary may render a verbal decision immediately with a written decision presented to the Fair Board within 24 hours. If timing is not an issue, then a decision is made by the Monday following the close of fair.

6. Formal grievances are answered in writing by the Fair Board within 30 days of the date of filing.

7. The $100 fee is returned if the grievance is sustained. The Grievance Committee consists of 5 people appointed by the Fair Board President and subject to confirmation by the Fair Board of Directors. They will serve for a time of three (3) years. The Grievance Information and Forms are available at the Fair Office.

8. If a grievance process is not previously outlined in events or departments, it will default to this grievance process.

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